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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nikolaus came last night

These are Lilly's little shoes that Nikolaus filled with chocolate and stickers last night! It is a German tradition that on the 5th all the children clean and buff up their boots and put them outside the door (or on the steps, that is what we always did) for Nikolaus to come during the night and fill them with goodies. Only the nice kids with bright and clean shoes would get something nice. The kids with the dirty shoes would get coal. So it's a little pre-Santa!
Lilly has been singing: "Chocolate in shoes!" for weeks now and couldn't believe when she saw her boots filled with Chocolate Santa’s and stickers.

She took them all apart and we were filled with stickers in no time!

And then Lilly had the great idea of using the tiny stickers as earrings! Doesn't she look grand? So now every Dec 6th Lilly will find some chocolate and other goodies in her shoes!


Memories for Life said...

What a fun little tradition! She looks so cute with all the stickers all over :)

TiLT said...

she is soooo adorable! and what cute boots! That's a neat tradition.